SOKO LA MTANDAO TANZANIA Jisajili na kuweka Matangazo BURE MILELE! 0677775000
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Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 13452

  • Added: 22nd April 2021

  • Location: Tanzania

  • State: Kilimanjaro Region

  • Phone: 0784703800

  • Views: 592


Welcome to mother Theresa Nursery and Daycare Centre

Dear parents/ Guardians
On behalf of the Mother Theresa Nursery and Daycare Centre Board and staff, We welcome you to our center family of parents, teachers caretakers and children.We are extremely proud of the teachers and staff that we be serving your child . They encourage and welcome your support and involvement in your, child’s development . Plan now to be ready and willing to work with your child, your child’s teacher and other personnel to make the center a rich and positive learning environment.
Thank you for being part of this first Center experience for your child. The entire centre staff is read to assist you whenever the need arises.
My wish for you is that your child will be happy and successful during all the centre years ahead, and that the future will hold a life that is rich and rewarding for all the days to come.

Respectfully yours,
Mother Theresa
Nursery and Daycare centre


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