Ad Details
Ad ID: 1239
Added: 24th August 2018
Location: Tanzania
State: Dar es Salaam Region
Phone: +255742565660
Views: 3924
Ofisi zipo Makumbusho karibu na kituo cha Mabasi, pembeni ya MESUMA Plus Hotel!
KIASI Limited is a limited liability company engaged in the production of Coal Briquettes and our plant is at Madafu area, Kibaha, Coastal Region. Our main office is at Dar es Salaam, near the Makumbusho Bus stand, next to MESUMA Plus Hotel. We manufacture our Coal Briquettes with a special formula which makes the products of good quality and also safe for daily usage. Our main target is to run a business that will have great positive impact on the Environment. Anyone who uses Charcoal and Firewood especially by buying, is our potential Customer. Our products have been tested in independent Laboratory and also the Government Laboratory – TIRDO (Tanzania Industrial Research Development Organization). Our products can be used in daily cooking and heating needs in Households and also in Institutions such as Schools, Hospitals, the Army, the Police, the Prisons; also in Bars, Restaurants and Hotels. Our products are an alternative to the use of Charcoal and Firewood. Save Trees, use Coal Briquettes.
KIASI Limited in kampuni inayojishughulisha na utengenezwaji Breketi kwaajili ya matumizi ya kupikia ya kila siku. Kiwanda chetu kipo maeneo ya Madafu, Kibaha, mkoa wa Pwani. Ofisi kuu ipo Dar es Salaam karibu na kituo cha Mabasi cha Makumbusho, pembeni ya MESUMA Plus Hoteli. Bidhaa zetu zimepimwa katika Maabara za binafsi nay a Serikali, yaani TIRDO (Tanzania Industrial Research Development Organization). Bidhaa zetu zina ubora wa hali ya juu, ni salama na ni nafuu zaidi ya mkaa au kuni za kununua. Nia yetu ni kuondoka kabisa matumizi ya mkaa wa miti na kuni za miti na hivyo kuokoa Mazingira yetu kutokana na ukatwaji wa miti mkubwa unaoendelea. Okoa Miti, Okoa Mazingira, tumia Nishati Mbadala!. |
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