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Advertising Sales Agents: Jobs, Career, Salary and Education- Tunatafuta Wakala wa matangazo; Kutoka mikoa yote TANZANIA
Usitupigie simu!! Tuma CV zako kwa email; tanzaniaonlinemarket@gmail.com
, ELIMU ; uwe una uzoefu wa kutumia mitandao kwa computer au simu, uwe na uzoefu wa kufanya kazi za marketing kutafuta wateja au kuuza bidhaa. NI UWEZO WAKO WA KUMSHAWISHI MTEJA AJITANGAZE KWENYE SOKO LA MTANDAO TANZANIA- WWW.TANZANIAONLINEMARKET.COM/NunuaUza.com
Utapata 30% kwakila tangazo moja utakalolipata.
What Advertising Sales Agents Do??
Advertising sales agents, also called advertising sales representatives, sell advertising space to businesses and individuals. They contact potential clients, make sales presentations, and maintain client accounts.
Duties of Advertising Sales Agents
Advertising sales agents typically do the following:
Locate and contact potential clients to offer their firm’s advertising services
Explain to clients how specific types of advertising will help promote their products or services in the most effective way
Provide clients with estimates of the costs of advertising products or services
Process all correspondence and paperwork related to accounts
Prepare and deliver sales presentations to new and existing clients
Inform clients of available options for advertising art, formats, or features and provide samples of previous work for other clients
Deliver advertising or illustration proofs to clients for approval
Prepare promotional plans, sales literature, media kits, and sales contracts
Recommend appropriate sizes and formats for advertising
Advertising sales agents work outside the office occasionally, meeting with clients and prospective clients at their places of business. Some may make telephone sales calls as well—calling prospects, attempting to sell the media firm’s advertising space or time, and arranging followup appointments with interested prospects.
A critical part of building relationships with clients is learning about their needs. Before the first meeting with a client, a sales agent gathers background information on the client’s products, current clients, prospective clients, and the geographic area of the target market.
The sales agent then meets with the client to explain how specific types of advertising will help promote the client’s products or services most effectively. If a client wishes to proceed, the advertising sales agent prepares and presents an advertising proposal to the client. The proposal may include an overview of the advertising medium to be used, sample advertisements, and cost estimates for the project.
Because of consolidation among media industries, agents are increasingly selling several types of ads in one package. For example, agents may sell ads that would be found in print editions, as well as online editions, of a particular publication, such as a newspaper.
In addition to maintaining sales and overseeing their accounts, advertising sales agents analyze sales statistics and prepare reports about clients’ accounts. They keep up to date on industry trends by reading about both current and new products, and they monitor the sales, prices, and products of their competitors.
In many firms, the advertising sales agent drafts contracts, which specify the cost and the advertising work to be done. Agents also may continue to help the client, answering questions or addressing problems the client may have with the proposal.
In addition, sales agents may be responsible for developing sales tools, promotional plans, and media kits, all of which they use to help make a sale. In other cases, firms may have a marketing team that sales agents work with to develop these sales tools.
Work Environment for Advertising Sales Agents[About this section] [To Top]
The largest employers of advertising sales agents are as follows:
Advertising, public relations, and related services
Newspaper publishers
Radio broadcasting
Television broadcasting
Self-employed workers
Selling can be stressful because income and job security depend directly on agents’ ability to keep and expand their client base. Companies generally set monthly sales quotas and place considerable pressure on advertising sales agents to meet those quotas.
Getting new accounts is an important part of the job, and agents may spend much of their time traveling to and visiting prospective advertisers and maintaining relationships with current clients. Sales agents also may work in their employer’s offices and handle sales for walk-in clients or for those who call or email the firm to ask about advertising.
Advertising Sales Agent Work Schedules
Most advertising sales agents work full time. About 1 in 4 advertising sales agents work more than 40 hours a week. Some work irregular hours and on weekends and holidays.
How to Become an Advertising Sales Agent[About this section] [To Top]
Get the education you need: Find schools for Advertising Sales Agents near you!
Although a high school diploma is typically enough education for an entry-level advertising sales position, some employers prefer applicants with a bachelor’s degree. Sales and communication skills are essential. Most training for advertising sales agents takes place on the job.
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Education for Advertising Sales Agents
Although a high school diploma is typically the minimum education requirement for an entry-level advertising sales position, some employers prefer applicants with a college degree. Publishing companies with large circulations and broadcasting stations with a large audience typically prefer workers with a college degree. Courses in marketing, communications, business, and advertising are helpful. For those who have a proven record of successfully selling other products, educational requirements are not likely to be strict.
Advertising Sales Agent Training
Most training takes place on the job and can be either formal or informal. In the majority of cases, an experienced sales manager instructs a newly hired advertising sales agent who lacks sales experience. In this one-on-one environment, supervisors typically coach new hires and observe them as they make sales calls and contact clients. Supervisors then advise the new hires on ways to improve their interaction with clients. Employers may bring in consultants to lead formal training sessions when agents sell to a specialized market segment, such as automotive dealers or real estate professionals.
Advancement for Advertising Sales Agents
Agents with proven leadership ability and a strong sales record may advance to supervisory and managerial positions, such as sales manager, account executive, and vice president of sales. Successful advertising sales agents may also advance to positions in other industries, such as corporate sales.
Important Qualities for Advertising Sales Agents
Communication skills. Advertising sales agents must be persuasive during sales calls. In addition, they should listen to the client’s desires and concerns, and recommend an appropriate advertising package.
Initiative. Advertising sales agents must actively seek new clients, keep in touch with current clients, and expand their client base, in order to meet sales quotas.
Organizational skills. Agents work with many clients, each of whom may be at a different stage in the sales process. Agents must be well organized to keep track of their clients and potential clients.
Self-confidence. Advertising sales agents should be confident when calling potential clients (making cold calls). Because potential clients are often unwilling to commit on a first call, agents frequently must continue making sales calls, even if rejected at first.
Advertising Sales Agent Salaries[About this section] [More salary/earnings info] [To Top]
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Experience Level
Entry Level Experienced
The median annual wage for advertising sales agents is $50,380. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $24,320, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $115,430.
The median annual wages for advertising sales agents in the top industries in which they work are as follows:
Advertising, public relations, and related services $58,060
Television broadcasting 51,840
Radio broadcasting 42,760
Newspaper publishers 37,570
Performance-based pay, including bonuses and commissions, can make up a large portion of an advertising sales agent’s earnings. Most employers pay some combination of salaries, commissions, and bonuses. Commissions usually are based on individual sales numbers. Bonuses may depend on individual performance, the performance of all sales workers in a group, or the performance of the entire firm.
Most advertising sales agents work full time. About 1 in 4 advertising sales agents work more than 40 hours a week. Some work irregular hours and on weekends and holidays.
Job Outlook for Advertising Sales Agents[About this section] [To Top]
Employment of advertising sales agents is projected to decline 4 percent over the next ten years.
Media companies will continue to rely on advertising revenue for profitability. However, employment of advertising sales agents will largely follow broader industry trends, and several of the industries that employ large numbers of these workers are projected to decline. For example, employment in newspaper publishers is expected to decline, although some of this decline may be offset by the sale of digital ads on newspaper websites.
An increasing amount of advertising is expected to be concentrated in digital media, including online video ads, search engine ads, and other digital ads intended for cell phones or tablet-style computers. Digital advertising on the Internet allows companies to directly target potential consumers because websites usually are associated with the types of products that those consumers would like to buy. As a result, employment of advertising sales agents is likely to increase in Internet-focused companies.
Job Prospects for Advertising Sales Agents
Competition is expected to be strong for jobs as advertising sales agents. Applicants with experience in sales and those with a bachelor’s degree and knowledge of digital advertising techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO), should have the best opportunities.
Employment projections data for Advertising Sales Agents, 2016-26 Occupational Title Employment, 2016 Projected Employment, 2026 Change, 2016-26
Percent Numeric
Advertising sales agents 149,900 144,500 -4 -5,400
Careers Related to Advertising Sales Agents[About this section] [To Top]
Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers
Advertising, promotions, and marketing managers plan programs to generate interest in products or services. They work with art directors, sales agents, and financial staff members.
Insurance Sales Agents
Insurance sales agents contact potential customers and sell one or more types of insurance. Insurance sales agents explain various insurance policies and help clients choose plans that suit them.
Sales Managers
Sales managers direct organizations’ sales teams. They set sales goals, analyze data, and develop training programs for organizations’ sales representatives.
Wholesale and Manufacturing Sales Representatives
Wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives sell goods for wholesalers or manufacturers to businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. They contact customers, explain the features of the products they are selling, negotiate prices, and answer any questions that their customers may have about the products.
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